Hokusai from The British Museum

Showing on Monday June 5th at 6.30pm. Tickets £12. Film and Food £27.95
This fascinating new cinema event is a stunning documentary and exclusive guided tour of the forthcoming British Museum exhibition Hokusai: beyond the Great Wave.
Filmed in Japan, France and the UK, the cinema event focuses on Hokusai’s work, life and times in the mysterious and exotic world of closed Japan. Using extraordinary close-ups and ground-breaking 8K video technology, Hokusai’s paintings and prints are examined by world experts who are at the forefront of Digital Art History. Hokusai is an artist who influenced Monet, Van Gogh and Picasso, is the father of Manga and the only painter with his own emoji!

Film Length: 90mins
Format: 2D
Cert: PG


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